professional chimney sweeps


Common questions and helpful tips

Looking for quick answers to your fireplace and chimney-related questions? We've got answers. Explore the list below for answers to common questions about chimney sweep services, fireplace maintenance, and other chimney services.


Check out our FAQs

  • What are the benefits of chimney sweeping?

    Having a clean chimney is just as important as having clear gutters, a stable roof, or a dust-free HVAC system. A few benefits of having your chimney cleaned and swept include:

    • Cleanliness – When your chimney is properly maintained, it will properly filter smoke to the outside of the house.
    • Safety – Having your chimney swept regularly will avoid build-up, which can cause fires.
    • Health – When a chimney is not properly cleaned, carbon monoxide can build up and linger in the chimney, which can be life-threatening.
    • Long life – Keeping a chimney properly cleaned and maintained will extend the life of the chimney.
  • How often should I have my chimney swept?

    We recommend having a professional chimney sweep performed once per year.

  • Why is cold air coming down my chimney flue?

    When your fireplace is in use, your chimney serves as a necessary escape for smoke. When the fireplace isn’t in use, your chimney is like an open window. It allows hot air to escape your home and cold drafts to find their way in. A top-sealing chimney damper can solve this problem. Unlike traditional throat dampers, which feature a metal-on-metal closure, top-sealing dampers feature a gasket closure that fully seal off the chimney opening when the fireplace isn’t in use.

  • Why won’t my gas fireplace logs ignite?

    If nothing is blocking the tubing and gas is flowing out, there might be something wrong with the spark igniter and thermocouple. Make sure there’s no debris lodged between the two. If the pilot light ignites but doesn’t stay lit, you might need to replace the igniter.

  • What causes white stains to appear on my chimney?

    White staining, or efflorescence, is caused when excess moisture within the chimney structure seeps through the bricks and evaporates on their outer surfaces. In addition to being an eyesore, the discoloration indicates that the chimney is allowing water through the masonry, which will cause structural deterioration and other problems.

    If your chimney is stained white, the first step is to schedule a certified chimney inspection so you can find out where the compromise exists, the severity of the damage, and the best course to take in repairing the problem.

  • Does my chimney need a chimney cap?

    Although a chimney will function without a chimney cap, it's best to have one. Without a chimney cap, your chimney could be exposed to excess moisture, which could cause damage to your house. It also keeps embers from escaping the chimney, preventing roof fires. Additionally, a chimney cap can keep out insects and small animals.

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